The Ongoing Debate That Is Abortion

One topic that is constantly discussed around the time of election is significantly relevant at this time is the debate surrounding abortion. Like the election this year, people’s views on abortion are quite split in the United States. One side being pro-life which supports the idea that all unborn humans are humans and share the same rights as someone who is living outside their mother’s womb. The opposition of this is pro-choice which supports the values surrounding women’s fertility rights. This topic is often debated because both sides of this argument have strong reasoning to support their claims. Everyone’s view on this topic is somewhat different because everyone is exactly that, different. The perspective of a woman on this controversial topic is often contrasting a man’s view. People in our society should listen to each other’s views and seek to find information on their oppositions point of view.

 “Pro Lifers” believe that when a child is aborted, murder is transpiring. Their opinion on an unborn baby being a human being revolves round four main aspects. The first being distinction. These babies have physical and internal distinctions like a human being would. These unborn children have DNA, body parts and even a nervous system. The development of the nervous system allows some children in the abortion process feel pain. The next aspect supporting an unborn child being a human being is that the child is living. A child inside the stomach of a woman scientifically meets the criteria for life. The child can repeat cells like any other human being and the child also has a running metabolism. The third point in this argument is that these children are not just living beings, they are human beings. All unborn children have a specific human genetic signature, no two children have the same genetic signature. In the eyes of pro lifers this further extends their views on how special and fragile life is. They believe that each human life is just as important as the next and each life should be celebrated and loved. The last leg of this discussion on whether or not an unborn child is a human being or not is that the child is an organism. The child is not just a group of tissues or organs, the child is guided by a genetic code that is specific to each child. This is further explained by MCCL when stating “Human development begins at fertilization when a sperm fuses with an oocyte to form a single cell, a zygote. This highly specialized, totipotent cell marks the beginning of each of us as a unique individual”. These positions on what is a human being or not leads the discussion to the next significant reason supporting pro-life, rights.

People that tend to lean towards pro-choice often believe that just because we are so different than unborn children we should not share the same rights. Pro lifers believe that the differences between us and unborn children have no relevance with whether or not someone has rights. An article by the MCCL makes a really valid point surrounding this view when saying

“Appearance has nothing to do with value”

MCCL, pg. 2

This quote in the eyes of pro lifers is exactly what they are trying to get across to their oppositions. Whether someone looks similar to you or not should not determine your value. If rights and values were only permitted to people who look similar to you than equality for all would be something unattainable. Pro lifers believe that if you share the four aspects of a human being then rights should be granted to you. 

The MCCL article does a really good job at explaining exactly what it means to be pro-life. The text goes through the scientific view of this issue, the justice behind abortion, and arguments against abortion. What is really missing from this article is the question “Why?”. Why are these women getting these abortions’ and that is the important question. The MCCL does a poor job with empathy when addressing the other side of this argument. This article, though it is quite informational, needs to feel for these women getting abortions, even if in their minds it is wrong. The tone is unforgiving. It seems as if there is nothing worse in this world then getting an abortion. An example of this is when the author uses the words “Tough Circumstances” to describe a situation evolving rape. For someone who is trying to learn more on this topic, this article could easily drive them away. 

Transitioning to the other side of this argument, pro-choice supporters believe that women have the right to decide whether or not they want to carry a child. The majority of people that are against this movement are men. This is so significant because men are often a significant factor in the decision of whether or not a woman is going to abort a child. It is common for men to leave their partner when they found out about the pregnancy. Pro choice believers think that women should never have to face the consequences of what she did not solely do alone. When a child is created there is a dual responsibility between the man and woman to take care of that baby if the parents are ready. One should not be put in the position to raise a child alone. Women often are and this leads to an abortion. It is drastically important in the eyes of pro choice supporters, that women have options with their fertility. Having options puts women on the same grounds as men, compared to having no options and being vulnerable to getting taken advantage of. Misogyny plays a large role in whether or not a woman gets an abortion. Some pro choicers believe that misogyny and abortion go hand and hand. In a essay by MIT named Pro Choice: Know the Facts, the author further explains this issue when saying

“I’m pro-choice because it’s the only option that isn’t poisoned with misogyny. I believe that we are responsible for justifying our beliefs, and just as one cannot claim that a given race is inferior to another because “it’s what I believe”, I don’t think one can argue that old white men can assert control over a woman’s uterus — and future — because they claim to believe that a fetus is comparable to a human life. That belief is so clearly a result of the fact that only women can get pregnant and only women would ever have to carry an unwanted fetus to term that I find it laughable that anyone claims being anti-choice has anything to do with concern for potential life. Can anyone really believe that abortion would even be an issue if men had to face the possibility of giving birth to and raising a child because of one night of failed contraception?”

MIT, pg 1

This quote goes into depth on how this is more of the women’s decision rather than the mans. Again, people supporting pro-choice do believe that the decision should be discussed between both male and female parties. 

A topic of importance for people who support pro choice is that women should always have the right to control their fertility. They believe that women have the right to choose what they do with their body. Women should want to bring a child into this world. If a woman gets pregnant and does not want to conceive the child, pro choice supporters believe that the baby should not be brought into this world. Each mother should love their newborn as if they were a gift not a burden. Another aspect of this process is responsibility. Abortion is responsible to pro-choice believers. On the other hand, bringing an unwanted child into this world is irresponsible. 

The pro-choice article by MIT and the pro-life artilce by MCCL both describe and illustrate exactly what it means to be on their specific side of thise argument. The MIT article unlike the MCCL article shows a little more emotion in their writing. It is clear that they are attempting to create some sort of a connection with the reader. The author is trying to put herself in the shoes of someone who is thinking about an aborition. This is very effective because this allows the reader and writer to share a connection which ultimately leads to the reader being more engaged. Relatability is something that is important to address when writing an article. The author wants to relate to the reader which is an aspect of writing that is not found in the MCCL piece. The MCCL article feels more like an instruction log or to do list rather than an informational piece. The MIT article has a comfortable tone to it, almost an inviting tone. The author does not want the reader to feel ashamed for being there while compared to the MCCL text, the reader feels almost bad about themselves for just reading what is written. 

The Need For Discussion

There is something missing from both pieces and both sides of the argument and that is showing empathy for the other side. People on both sides of this argument believe strongly in what they believe in. In order for this argument to be less hostel questions need to be asked and voices need to be heard. Aspen Baker in a TED talk does exactly that. She describes the importances that comes with asking questions and learning about something that you are not fully familiar with. As political as this topic is, she explains that we are missing the bigger picture here. People are going through harsh times and are having to make some really tough decisions. There should not be any argument here she explains, there should only be choice and discussion. Society warped this conversation into a battlefield where no fighting is needed. This conflict should not be a conflict at all but instead a conversation. A conversion between people of both sides expressing what they believe is right and wrong. This way we can fully understand one another and ultimately feel empathy for each other. 

One in three women have an abortion in their life. This means someone everyone knows will likely have one in their life. What is important is that the people that do understand that it is okay. There are people to talk to, loved ones, friends or even someone you may have just met. The need for discussion and the expression of one’s feelings is something that needs to be implemented in this argument. This topic of discussion is fogged with what is right and what is wrong. This argument will continue to survive if we tell eachother what we are doing is wrong. Aspen Baker’s TED talk summarizes what is needed perfectly in her TED talk. Baker says “Finding ways to shift the conflict to a place of conversation is the work of my life”. If everyone in our hatred filled society lived the same way, there would be no argument to be had. 
